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Dorsi Ramp

Dorsiflexion Ramp for Children to age 10 years

Price: €20401
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Dorsi Ramp
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Product price: €204.01
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Dorsiflexion Ramp for Children to age 10 years
It is not easy to persuade toddlers and children to actively engage in physiotherapy to stretch their Achilles tendons and calf muscles. But a few minutes good quality stretching each day can really help “toe walkers” to improve their gait, growing clubfoot children to avoid relapses and many other conditions linked to limited dorsiflexion.
This child friendly ramp can readily be incorporated into routine activities, such as daily teeth cleaning, playing computer games or working at a desk.

  • The Dorsi Ramp is recommended for children suffering from conditions such as idiopathic toe walking, cerebral palsy and clubfoot.
  • Strong, stable safe dorsiflexion ramp designed specifically for children
  • Flip over design and insert means that slope angles of 10, 15 and 20 degrees are achieved with no moving parts
  • Moulding encourages correct foot placement
  • Compound slope maintains correct dorsiflexion angle even if child abducts
  • For toddlers to children up to age 10 years

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