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Static Standing frame LIFTER

Static Standing frame LIFTER 

Price: €3,32345
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Static Standing frame LIFTER
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Product price: €3,323.45
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  • User's height
    200 cm
  • Max user weight
    120 kg
  • Weight
    43 kg
  • Warranty
    2 y

Static standing frame LIFTER™ is a modern rehabilitation device. Electric actuator with integrated sit allows the patient for independent use of the device by means of the remote control.

Powerful actuator can lift the patients with weight up to 120 kg.
There is a possibility to equip LIFTER™ with upper torso stabilizer which perfectly immobilizes the chest. This solution is highly recommended for patients with upper limbs paresis.
Lifter’s seat also serves as a pelvic support that keeps the patient in the proper position and secures him in the device.



Special features

  • The device ensures adequate stability and safety of Patient.
  • Patient can upright by himself and walk independently.
  • Using of gas spring or electric actuator in the product ensures quiet operation.
  • Intuitive way of adjustment and easy assembly.
  • Gas spring helps in proper tilt angle adjustment of the device.
  • We offer 24 months warranty on the product. We also provide after sales service.
  • Modern upright standing system uses the lifting mechanism with movable arm, electric actuator and remote control to help in adoption of the upright standing position.
  • Ergonomically shaped and adjustable knee supports perfectly stabilize the lower limbs.
  • Tray made of ecological wood serves as a pelvic support and creates a lot of space for work.





The stages of upright standing






  • Cerebral palsy – various types and forms.
  • Brain and spinal cord injuries with lower limbs paralysis and weakness, balance and motor coordination disorders with different etiology.
  • Demyelinating disease (e.g. multiple sclerosis – SM).
  • Meningocele.
  • Muscles diseases with weakness and paralysis (dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, myositis).
  • Genetic disorders.
  • Degeneration and neurological diseases.
  • Other condition connected with muscles weakness, paralysis and musculoskeletal disorders.
  • After head and spinal cord injuries and spine trauma with paralysis and paresis.




Standard equipment

  • Handset
  • Tray
  • Hand grip
  • Adjustable knee support
  • Footplate with foot stabilization
  • Battery with controller
  • Frame with castors and brakes
  • Electric actuator



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