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Inogen One G4 columns

The columns (or molecular sieves) are an important part of the concentrator, they filter out the nitrogen from the ambient air, leaving purified oxygen.

Price: €27099
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Inogen One G4 columns
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Product price: €270.99
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Inogen One G4 Columns


Most oxygen concentrators have internal columns inside the housing, making them hard to replace. With the Inogen One G4 however, you can easily do it yourself.


Because the filtering of the nitrogen is a natural process, the quality of the columns will slowly deteriorate. The lifespan of the columns is measured continuously by the concentrator. When the remaining lifespan reaches a certain level, the message 'Replace columns' will show in the display of the Inogen One G4. As of this moment, you can still use your oxygen concentrator for 30 days. 




The expected life of the columns is 12 to 24 months. For optimal sieve bed (columns) life, the product should be used frequently.


How to change sieves ?


With the columns, a manual is included which explains how to change them.

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