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Lower limb support COMPLEX/2R


Price: €83342
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Lower limb support COMPLEX/2R
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Product price: €833.42
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HKAFO orthosis (hip, thigh and calf part) is made of innovative fabric ACTIV SPACE II. It consists of polyurethane foam, external polyamide fabric which is easy to attach and internal terry. The fabric is soft but non-elastic that is very important during upright posture. Devices made of ACTIV SPACE II fabric are often better than rigid orthosis made of plastics material, because don’t cause bedsores and skin lesions. Internal terry improves the comfort of use.



The device is equipped with orthopaedic splints and dynamic carbon foot. The splint are made of high quality aluminium hot covered by special powder surface, what makes them neutral to patient’s sweat.
The hip joint is equipped with 1-axial hinge with ROM adjustment in every 15o and the knee joint holds 2-axial polycentric hinge with ROM adjustment in every 20o. The ankle joint is non hinged.
For your special order, to ankle joint we can add our orthopaedic hinge 1R with ROM adjustment in every 15°.
Each of these drop-locks can be adjusted in the required position and blocked against the displacement.
The thigh and calf part of orthosis provides height adjustment what allows to fit the device according to individual patient’s size.
The carbon foot is resilient in the front and heel part. Semi-rigid spiral splint and shin pelotte stabilize the orthosis on calf. Our carbon foot has 3 points of support: in the front middle-tibia, the tibial tuberosity and proximal tibial and fibula epiphyses. Because of that, all forces accumulates during limb loading and helps the patient with foot dorsal flexion. The dynamic ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) allows patient to have medial-lateral control of the foot and ankle complex due to strong lateral fixation of lower leg. The gait is improved and more aesthetic. The AFO construction is very light and easy to putting into shoe.
HKAFO orthosis is equipped with three pairs of Velcro straps: 2 straps for pelvis, 2 for thigh and 2 for calf. The thigh and calf part of device holds 2 pairs of pelottes made of plastics material where our splint are attached.
Safe construction and soft and friendly fabrics make our COMPLEX unrivalled with other devices available on the market.




Double-sided COMPLEX orthosis should be used in case of:

  •     flaccid paraparesis;
  •     myelocystocele, hydromyelomeningocele;
  •     spinal muscular atrophy;
  •     muscular dystrophy / myodystrophy with upper limbs mobility.

One-sided COMPLEX orthosis should be used in case of:

  •     severe knee joint instability or degeneration with foot paresis (sciatica, SM, Poliomyelitis – Heine-Medin disease);
  •     tetraparesis – in upright position, while gait learning;
  •     to immobilize in rehabilitation process after knee surgeries or diseases;
  •     to prevent against hip, knee or ankle muscles contractures;
  •     to proper hip position during walking or upright position.

The COMPLEX orhosis is innovative solution in case of partly feet amputation. In this case, there is necessary to use non-standard insole. The orthosis’s construction directs forces to upper tibia what offloads the amputated foot.
The orthosis can be used as an modular device – with patient’s recovery, the doctor can stop using the hip splint. In this case, the lower limb and ankle brace exists independently.






Available Sizes


Left/right side available
Maximum user weight up to 75kg.


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