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Mobile Pool Lift

Price: €8,58984
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Mobile Pool Lift
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Product price: €8,589.84
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The lift looks very simple and it has obtained a patent for innovation and utility that makes it unique. Although this poolside hoist is designed for people with disabilities, this product can assist anyone who struggles to get in and out of a swimming pool using steps, particularly the elderly and people recovering from illness or injury. The mobile pool lift can transfer people to and from pools, dressing rooms and other places in a smooth and safe manner. Easy to use. The person simply sits on the seat at the front and is pushed to the edge of the pool. Simply operate the brake and lock in position, press the down button and the swimmer is lowered into the pool. To lift the seat, just push the up button. The operation is complete when the seat is back to its original position.




Lifting Capacity 110 kg
Max. Arm Travel
1150 mm
Time of Down-lifting with Weight 23 sec
Time of Up-lifting with Weight 17 sec
Weight 120 kg
Frame Electro Galvanized Steel
Power 24 V, Battery
Voltage 12 V
Baterry charger External


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